World Prayer Today

God does not disappoint

May 07, 2019

As we travel the stunning Baltic coastline of Lithuania, it’s easy to see why this small, independent, and proud nation is rapidly becoming known as one of Europe’s hidden treasures.

But as we look deeper, we see a society riddled with substance abuse and plagued by suicide, as well as a growing trade of trafficking women for prostitution.

So today let’s stop and pray for Alfredas Pabarcius, Thru the Bible’s Lithuanian producer. Ask God to protect and expand his ministry to overcome false teaching and meet the many spiritual needs of the Lithuanian people. Let’s also pray for listeners like this one, who often face ridicule for their faith.

“The Word of God comforts and strengthens.I have had a number of difficulties in my life. There were situations when even those closest to me turned their backs on me and I was left all alone with my problems. Where to get some strength? How to find energy to get up and go forward? Man is so limited. People can easily disappoint us. But God does not disappoint. Your program is a crutch that has helped me walk this difficult road. Please pray for people from all over Lithuania who are not tolerant of our beliefs. They can be unkind and make our lives difficult, but I know the Lord will see us through.”

Croatia is our destination tomorrow. Invite a friend to sign up at and join us.