World Prayer Today

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“In Him I find hope for the future…”

May 08, 2019

Shaped like a boomerang, the Republic of Croatia is known as the gateway to Eastern Europe. Today, as we stop alongside the sapphire blue waters and dramatic mountain peaks that dazzle so many first-time visitors, let’s take a moment to read some letters and praise God that His Word is taking root in the lives of our fellow Bible Bus passengers here.

A sister named Jadranka recently emailed to say:

“Dear sisters and brothers in Christ! God’s blessing and may the Lord be with you! I want to thank you for the wonderful radio broadcasts which I always follow whenever possible. The broadcasts are full of hope and encouragement which are so necessary for us in these difficult times. Thank you and God bless you. It is a great desire of mine to own a Bible so that I can read and study and grow spiritually from it. I wish you God’s blessing!”

And Boidar recently sent these greetings:

“I listen to your Bible radio program regularly. I also listen on Saturdays and Sundays. I’d like the programs to be longer, if that is possible. I was in the Croatian Army the entire time of the Homeland War, after which I retired due to severely deteriorated health. Thank you for sharing God’s Word, in Him I find hope for the future.”

Amen! Let’s pray more Croatians hear Thru the Bible’s broadcasts so they too can know the hope found only in Jesus.

Journey with us tomorrow to Romania; we’ll meet you right here.