World Prayer Today

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A Proverbs 31 woman in India

May 16, 2019

Proverbs 31 teaches us about how a godly woman conducts her life.

This fellow Bible Bus rider in Kerala, India, sets a good example.

“I get up at 4.30 a.m. and prepare myself to listen to the program. I do this because by listening to God’s Word, God has made many changes in my life. The radio program gives me spiritual strength and happiness, even in my loneliness away from my husband who is in the military service and is posted in Kashmir. The needs of my family are great; sometimes I am not able to sleep thinking of all these things. However as I listen to Jeevasandesham [Thru the Bible in Malayalam], I feel God speaks to me, and assures me He knows my heart’s condition.

“As I listened to the study on Proverbs, the messages about an ideal life helped me to overcome anger and get more grace to forgive others. I learned that a woman who fears the Lord ought not to remain in unforgiveness. I now conduct family prayers regularly after meals and am able to share this ministry to others. I now know the importance of giving for the ministry. Studying God’s Word with you has benefitted me to be an example in my family life, to be submissive to my husband as unto the Lord, and to raise my children in the fear of God.”

Praise God for this example of a virtuous woman—even in a dark culture. Pray for women worldwide who carry the weight of raising a family.

Tomorrow we continue our prayer journey across India.