World Prayer Today

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Meeting God in the Solomon Islands

May 31, 2019

Welcome to World Prayer Today where we travel today to a nation of hundreds of islands in the South Pacific called the Solomon Islands.

A listener there named Chanchala shares:

“From the time I was a teenager, my family was the first on our island to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, away from Hindi tradition. We listened at night to Christian radio. I did not embrace this new faith for myself and did not know the meaning of the true Christian life. I never gave importance to the Bible or to prayer.

“Until one day when I heard the preacher speak from Colossians 3. I was amazed. I felt that I was directly being spoken to. The preacher prayed for the seekers at the end of the program, and I repeated the prayer after him. I repented of my sins and asked the Lord to forgive me. I also accepted Christ as my personal Saviour.

“After a few years, I listened with interest to Hindu friends. They planted doubt in my heart. Once again, I listened to the Bible teaching program with my questions. Ah! And there were answers. I placed my doubts at Jesus’ feet and He satisfied me with answers.

“After some time I married a God-fearing man, a school teacher. We both live happily in Christ, as He is our master and provider. Your radio program changed my life by introducing me to myself. Thank you for your help in learning and growing me in God’s Word.”

What a great summary of how God grows us up in faith. Pray for those who know Him—and don’t yet know Him—in the Solomon Islands.

Next week join us as we travel to beautiful Latin America.