World Prayer Today

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Digital technology takes God’s Word to Egypt

July 08, 2019

Welcome, World Prayer Team! Thank God today for His creative imagination—using digital delivery where radio is not allowed.

Atef, a grateful young man from Egypt rides the Bible Bus with us every day through his phone app. He writes:

“I listen to Thru the Bible all of the time on my cell phone. The Father uses this long study to be a light of truth that shines in my day. I used to ride the Bible Bus through regular radio but one day it was gone. Then I stumbled upon the mobile app on a Christian website that tells about Bible-based programming available in Arabic—and there you were again! I thank God He directed me to you. Please do not stop the episodes from coming into our ears straight to our hearts! Bless you and all involved in getting this truth to my country.”

When Atef thanked God for all involved in getting God’s Word to Egypt, he was praising God for you—important prayer partners in taking the whole Word to the whole world. Please keep your petitions rising—God hears and blesses us all.

And continue to thank God for phone apps and digital technology that are helping people in the Middle East learn God’s Word on their phones and computers.

Journey on your knees with us tomorrow as we travel north towards Turkey. We’ll meet right here.