World Prayer Today

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Praying protection for the most innocent in Guatemala

August 20, 2019

A Facebook friend of the World Prayer Team asks us to pray for her country of Guatemala today.

Let’s echo her prayer:

“Heavenly Father, we come into Your presence to adore You and ask for Your favor for the country of Guatemala. We pray for the people of my country to turn aside from empty traditions that have enslaved them and instead turn to You for salvation. We ask that churches would proclaim the gospel and politicians would be honest and fair in their dealings and that Christian values would guide them in establishing a healthy nation. Heavenly Father, please bring an end to the violent crimes in our country—especially those against the most innocent—women, children, and the elderly. Expel every appearance of darkness. May peace and joy find a home in every heart in spite of the harsh realities of poverty, lack of opportunity, and denial of basic civil liberties. May Your kingdom come to Guatemala. Amen.”

Remember this heartfelt petition for Guatemala and pray again as the Lord brings this lovely people group to your mind.

Beautiful Costa Rica is our next prayer destination. Join us here tomorrow.