World Prayer Today

Lifting up the children of Costa Rica

August 21, 2019

Two out of three people in Costa Rica are under age 18—that’s almost three million young people whom Jesus loves.

On our prayer journey today, we see the beautiful nation of Costa Rica—sandwiched between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The natural beauty of the land and the people belie the country’s spiritual poverty.

We don’t receive many letters from this region of the world, but one email came in recently that said,

“I give God thanks for His goodness and mercy, allowing me to be here to listen to the Bible lessons. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for making these studies possible.”

Today, let’s lift up this next generation and ask God to draw them to Himself in salvation. May every child know His love and as they learn His truth, may every young person be made new in Jesus Christ.

Travel on your knees with us tomorrow to the beautiful land of Uruguay.