World Prayer Today

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Celebrating hometown heroes

December 03, 2019

Today on World Prayer Today, we celebrate the miraculous way God is at work. Let’s praise God that millions of people like this listener of our Nepali broadcast are coming to Jesus through the broadcasting of His Word and the nudge of a family member or friend.

“I was born and brought up in a Hindu background, and I alone am Christian in my family. By the grace of God I received literature named ‘You Must Meet Him (Jesus)’ from my Christian friend. The words from this tract touched my heart and I wanted to know more. That’s when I began to listen to your programs. Slowly God opened my eyes to His love and kindness. Now I am growing in faith in Jesus as I listen every day.”

Today, let’s thank the Lord for neighbors and friends (hometown heroes!) who share the love of God with others. One by one, let’s celebrate these local missionaries and ask God that more will be reached in His name.

Tomorrow we’re celebrating in Romania. We’ll see you there!