World Prayer Today

Pray for children in Central America & the Caribbean

January 03, 2020

“The needs of people in this country are great; sometimes it can be overwhelming knowing where to begin in prayer.”

That’s what one listener named Rosie from Guatemala recently wrote.

Welcome to World Prayer Today. As we travel through Nicaragua, Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, and more than 24 other islands, territories, and countries, we agree—praying for God’s people in Central America and the Caribbean can seem like a tremendous undertaking. As the region comes to mind, these might be a few of the needs you think of first: clean water, drug trafficking, gang violence, and unstable governments … to name just a few.

So, where do we begin? Rosie gives us great insight in her letter.

“I found you when I was 15 years old and since then I have not stopped listening. The explanation of the Bible book by book was a great blessing to me during a very painful time for my family.

“I thank God for having qualified brothers like you, who teach us the truth of sound doctrine. I also thank my God for choosing me before the foundation of the world and for adopting me as His daughter. I ask that you and others pray for the children of this country and their offspring, so that they also achieve this blessing. Knowing our Father and understanding His Word is the most important thing in our lives. This is our one true need. Then, and only then, can we begin to address the great disparities of the human condition.”

Isn’t that beautiful? Praise God for His Word working in the lives of those who hear it on Thru the Bible. Today let’s echo Rosie’s prayer for our children (and our children’s children). May they have access to God’s Word and know the eternal blessing of a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. And may they be part of bringing healing and hope to the next generations in Central America and the Caribbean.

Without looking at a map, can you name a few countries in Central Asia? Check your answers when you join us on Monday as our World Prayer journey continues.