World Prayer Today

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“I now feel like I can know God.”

January 17, 2020

God is at work through His Word! Consider this letter from a man who listens in his native language of Portuguese:

“My name is Paulo. Although I have only listened to you for four days, it has been a blessing in my life. I have known about God my entire life, but now I feel like I can know Him. I am grateful for your ministry. I am studying the prophet Micah and I am curious to know how I can follow other studies when I finish this. Thank you. May the peace of God be with you."

Isn’t that great? As we travel through the many countries of South America today, pray that Thru the Bible’s programs in more than seven languages reaches more people like Paulo. May each of them move from a knowledge of God into an intimate and saving relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. As Jesus prayed in John 17:3, “And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.”

On Monday we’ll travel some of the world’s most scenic terrain. Meet us in Southern Asia.