World Prayer Today

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Pray the truth of God’s Word brings clarity in Angola

March 25, 2020

Welcome, World Prayer Team. We’re traveling on our knees today, asking God to use His Word to clear up misconceptions and multiplicity of beliefs in Angola, on the southwest coast of Africa.

Let’s pray for listeners like this one:

“I’m grateful for your teaching in Portuguese. I’m so confused. I’ve attended several churches but learned nothing of Jesus. Mostly the preachers talked about living a good life in order to have the blessing of the Lord or talked about themselves. Can you help? I’ve listened to your programs for five months and am finally beginning to understand who God is and His love for men. Thank you for teaching the truth, for helping me understand the Bible, and most of all teaching me about Jesus and why He is important. Please send any information you can, I can’t get enough. I will keep listening and thanking God for you.”

Praise God for this listener’s seeking heart and for others who want to know more about Jesus Christ. Pray more people in Angola and Middle Africa will hear the truth on Thru the Bible. Also, intercede for Dinis Ezekiel, producer of our African Portuguese programs. Ask for God’s blessing upon him as he proclaims God’s truth in places where it is often hard to discern.

Our prayers continue for Middle Africa tomorrow, we’ll meet you Gabon.