World Prayer Today

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Praying through one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world

April 02, 2020

“Unity in Diversity.” Many say this national motto of Papua New Guinea is nothing more than an idealistic dream.

Welcome, World Prayer Team, we’re pleased to travel on our knees together through one of the most culturally diverse nations in the world—Papua New Guinea, perched north of the Australian coast. But with a history of tribal fighting, witch-hunt killings on the rise, and gang violence all too common, Papua New Guinea is anything but united.

Thanks to a surge of missions efforts in past decades bringing the Good News to this island nation, many people profess to follow Jesus Christ, but the evil practice of witchcraft or spiritism and sorcery-related violence continue to ravage the people.

As we bow our heads today, pray more people choose to study God’s Word with Thru the Bible. As they discover His grace and power, may all people in Papua New Guinea call upon Jesus and discover the truth that sets us free.

Our prayer journey through Oceania brings us to New Zealand tomorrow. See you there.