World Prayer Today

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“I once worshipped false idols. Today I am a pastor.”

April 07, 2020

“Before knowing Jesus Christ, I worshipped false idols. Today I am a pastor.”

What? That’s amazing! Today our World Prayer team visits Chhattisgarh, India, celebrating the new life of a listener named Vinod. Here’s more of his story:

“I was suffering from worries and hopelessness in my life. Nothing helped me to come out of it. One day a neighbor shared a booklet with me and told me about your program. He didn’t listen, but wondered if it could help me.

“I read the story and became a believer in Jesus Christ. I then turned to your messages. These programs helped me to know more about who God is and how important His Word is in our lives. This motivated me to serve the Lord and help other non-believers know about Jesus Christ.

“I recently went to Bible training, and now I serve as a pastor in my village and several that surround us. I still listen to your program and tell others about it. I am thankful to God for my calling and also the program which has helped me to develop my faith in the Lord. Kindly pray for my family and my ministry.”

God is at work in India, and He’s also at work in our lives! Do you know how? Ask Him to show you today.

There’s more Good News tomorrow. Join us as we travel on our knees.