World Prayer Today

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“It feels as though I have really begun to live …”

April 30, 2020

Do you remember the joy you felt when you first began to know God and understand His Word? That’s the excitement Maria from Brazil recently wrote to share with us.

“The best thing is happening to me! I don’t know how to describe it, but it feels as though I have really begun to live. I have always tried to read the Bible, but for some reason I never felt what I feel now. Every day as I listen to you, I know my Lord better and better, and fall more in love with Him. The joy I feel in my heart is deeper than I ever imagined, and the peace I have in difficult situations is beyond my logic. Thank you for your part in helping me understand God’s Word. I feel as though the more I draw closer to Him, the more He draws me close. Please continue to broadcast. I try to share everything I learn and tell everyone I know about Thru the Bible.”

Today pray for more people to listen to Thru the Bible in Brazil and all over the world, that more will discover the joy of drawing closer to the Lord through His Word. Ask Him to draw us near as we follow Him today in the details of our lives.

God is changing hearts in Uruguay. Join us tomorrow as we hear more great stories on World Prayer Today.