World Prayer Today

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Praising God for His promises in Ephesians 1:5

May 11, 2020

“Having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.” -Ephesians 1:5

As we pray our way through Bihar today, we have the pleasure of hearing from a listener named Anju. She says:

“Your programs on Ephesians came to me at a time in my life when I really needed to hear a message of hope. A feud was tearing my family apart. It broke my heart that my own flesh and blood schemed against me.

“But knowing God was willing to adopt me as His own changed my perspective. I accepted Him as my Savior and Father. I learned how to keep Him number one in my life and things smoothed out eventually.

“Through your program, I now have a deeper understanding of grace and love through Jesus Christ. I have been sharing His love with others in similar situations and wherever His Word is sorely needed. Thank you for your part in reaching me with His Word. I know now that I am His beloved, His beautiful daughter, and pray others will realize their worth in Him as well.”

Millions of people in India have never heard the name of Jesus. Lift up Anju and all our fellow listeners who share their faith with others in Bihar and beyond. And while we’re at it, pray that more people will hear God’s Word.

We have a lot to pray about tomorrow as we travel on our knees through Pakistan. Pack your bags and let’s go!