World Prayer Today

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“Nehemiah taught me a lot about life and what God requires of me.”

June 03, 2020

Today’s stop on our World Prayer tour brings us to the country of Burkina Faso, where we’re praising God for how He is growing up people in their faith as they listen to Thru the Bible.

As one listener shares with us:

“The teaching on Nehemiah 1:1-6 really impressed me. I now understand it is a book of action, calling us to work and pray, to be vigilant, and to be cautious in the judgments of others. I understand that all those with high responsibilities can do great things for the work of God. Nehemiah taught me a lot about life and what God requires of me.”

Another listener says:

“Thank you for the programs in the book of John. My favorite was the story of the blind man. I have realized we can all be blind and need to believe. I now want to see Jesus more than anything else, to trust Him and follow Him with my life.”

Praise God for the growth He brings about in all of us as we study His Word. Ask Him to bless these faithful listeners for their desire to walk with Him, and as His Word goes out may many more in Burkina Faso be reached for His glory.

A Muslim comes to faith in Jesus—that’s the story we’ll celebrate tomorrow in Senegal.