World Prayer Today

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You’ve been praying, God is answering

June 09, 2020

For years our team has traveled through Norway, praying in confidence for God’s Word to bear fruit in the lives of those who listen to Thru the Bible. And although we receive very little feedback, we know God is quietly and consistently at work.  

That’s why today we’re so excited to share this letter from Marianne who writes:

“I have been listening to Thru the Bible since 2016. First on Norwegian radio, now on your app and the internet. Dr. McGee is a great blessing to me and has helped me to grow as a Christian. Through your teaching, I have been lifted up in troubled times. I am the only Christian in my family. May God in Christ Jesus richly bless you all and your ministry. I could not live without Jesus Christ as my Savior.”

Praise God for His faithfulness in Marianne’s life and in all of ours. Today pray for Marianne’s family, and many others in Norway, to hear God’s Word on Thru the Bible and—if they haven’t already—believe that He is Lord and Savior.

Keep praying, team, and let’s remind one another that our amazing God is at work even when we can’t see or hear of the results.

We’re off to Sweden tomorrow; meet us there and invite a friend to join us here at