World Prayer Today

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Praying for the Sami of Norway

June 11, 2020

In the far north of Norway live a group of people called the Sami. Most famous for centuries of reindeer herding, many are now coastal fisherman, farmers, foresters, and increasingly have become more active in the Scandinavian professional, academic, and cultural world. 

As we travel today back to Norway, we’re praising God that His Word has reached more than 25,000 of the Sami people in the Lapp language since 1999. 

While predominately Lutheran, experts tell us that many Sami are nominal in their faith and true, committed Christians are few. 

So, our prayer mission has great opportunities. Ask God to infuse this indigenous and vibrant culture with an exciting faith. May the teaching given by Thru the Bible’s producer, Alf Telefson, bring fresh interest to the Word of God, and may God’s Spirit draw more Sami people into an eternal relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. 

Be here for our final stop in Northern Europe tomorrow as we pray for refugees in Sweden.