World Prayer Today

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Praying our way through “the Kingdom in the Sky”

July 03, 2020

Often called “the Kingdom in the Sky,” Lesotho is known for its gorgeous mountain terrain.

Today as our prayer journey through Southern Africa continues, we intercede for the 23 percent of Lesotho’s population who are infected with HIV, and for those who tirelessly care for them. As one listener tells us:

“I am a nurse in a small, private hospital. We play your programs often. Please pray for us, for financial breakthrough. The hospital is in crisis, and many need our care. I am often exhausted by the numbers of sick, but I continue to work. Yesterday you were teaching about Jesus and the woman at the well. It spoke to me because I work long hours, and I’ve haven’t been able to go to church and worship. Now I understand I can worship anywhere. Today I have decided to worship at home, at work, and anywhere else I go. Please pray for my patients; may they find God as they face their disease.”

Praise God for healthcare workers, especially those who tend to spiritual needs as well as physical. Pray God’s Word heard on Thru the Bible encourages them and gives each one the courage to share the love of Jesus with those they care for each day.

This exciting expedition continues next week as we pray our way through Eastern Africa. We’ll meet you in Kenya on Monday.