World Prayer Today

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Our destination: the heavenly homeland

July 14, 2020

More than 90% of Guatemalans claim Christianity as their religion, but syncretism and ancient Mayan religions control most religious activity in the country.

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today as we travel the gorgeous countryside of Guatemala, we ask God to reach more people with His Word and praise Him for saving the lives of listeners like Cristiana.

“I thank God who uses you. Through this extraordinary program I have grown significantly, you have also motivated me to study the Scriptures more consciously and systematically. I have listened to you for as long as I can remember. You are an inheritance from my mother who listened to you for many years on Cultural Radio. Now I listen to you on the internet. God bless you and continue to sustain you. I consider everyone who listens as my friends and family in this journey. Our destiny: the heavenly homeland.”

The heavenly homeland … that’s definitely our destination. Today pray more people in Guatemala join us for the journey. May God’s name be praised in every home from Paxtan to Las Lisas, San Marcos to Zacapa.

Our journey through Central America continues tomorrow as we pray our way through El Salvador.