World Prayer Today

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Pray for revival in Haiti

July 16, 2020

“Haiti is at the same time the country of joy and the country of challenges.”

That’s what we hear from Storly Michel, producer of Thru the Bible’s Creole language program. He continues, “With so many challenges, including a catastrophic earthquake in 2010 that we are still recovering from, how can the people of Haiti experience joy? Revival!”

Welcome, World Prayer Team, to this beautiful country filled with more than 10 million people God loves. Pray today for God’s Word to take root in their lives and true revival to sweep their land.

Let’s pray together now:

Lord, revive the hearts of Your people in Haiti, especially those who have left their first love, those who continue tribal practices of voodoo, or those who have become lukewarm in their faith. As Your Word goes out, use it to draw them back into a right relationship with You and with each other. Revive Your people and turn their hearts to Jesus. In His name, amen.

Journey with us tomorrow to Mexico as we pray with a hurting family. Until then, may God richly bless you.