World Prayer Today

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Discovering the delight of daily Bible study

July 30, 2020

“I was missing so much in life; it’s hard to believe I’ve lived this long without knowing the amazing truth found in God’s Word.”

That’s what we hear from a listener in Saskatchewan as we continue to pray our way through Canada this week. She continues:

“I have been a Christian for many years but lacked the discipline to regularly and consistently study the Bible. Your ministry has been a delight and an encouragement. It has helped me get into the Bible on a daily basis. I thank God for His blessings, for His Word, and for the faithful service of J. Vernon McGee and everyone at Thru the Bible. May God’s Word go out to all the world in the awesome power of His Holy Spirit.”

May more people in Saskatchewan and throughout Canada discover the delight that regular study of God’s Word brings as together we learn of His great love and plan for us—His people—throughout history and today.

We’ve got one more stop to make in Canada this week. Join us tomorrow as we head back to Quebec and pray for Thru the Bible in French.