World Prayer Today

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Praying for humble spirits and open hearts in Africa

August 11, 2020

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today we’re praying our way through Chad, the country with more unreached people living within its borders than any other African country. But praise God His Word can be heard on Thru the Bible. And as this listener of our African French program tells us, it’s making a difference:

“I went from religion to religion thinking that my problems would be solved. But it was false and superficial: I was always unhappy. I thought God would no longer take care of me because I felt too dirty and too far from Him. I did not even want to pray anymore. But by listening to programs in African French, I learned to put my trust in God and rely on Him alone. I felt abandoned, but God revealed Himself to me as a powerful supporter and a Father true to His promises. One thing I understood is that God never gives up on us! It is we who are unfaithful and stubborn, but He remains constant and faithful. He said in Joshua 1:5, “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” This meant very much to me. Thank you for the lessons given. I will receive them all with a humble spirit and open heart.”

What a great letter. Today let’s pray for more humble spirits and open hearts throughout Africa, and in ourselves. As we study God’s Word, may we be ready to hear the message He speaks to each one us.

We’ll pray our way through the bush of Angola tomorrow. Get ready for the adventure.