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The fruit of your prayers in Tamil Nadu
August 21, 2020
As our World Prayer journey through Southern Asia continues, we stop in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Our update today comes from a listener of Thru the Bible’s Tamil language program. She writes:
“All the messages from God’s Word are great nourishment. Nevertheless, I was very thrilled while listening to the conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. The Bible teacher was emphasizing that we should change our approach to God, the way in which it is pleasing to God.
“The message created in me a thirst, a thirst for living water. As the Samaritan woman became a source for many people to accept Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, I too should be an instrument to bring people to Christ Jesus. Do continue to pray for my husband and two sons. Pray that we carry out His will in our lives. I will pray for your ministry, too.”
This woman and her family are the fruit of your prayers. Keep praying and praising God for His goodness in our lives.
On Monday we’ll be praying for spiritual breakthrough in Japan. Hop aboard and join us.