World Prayer Today

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Praying our way through the gorgeous and challenged US Virgin Islands

October 22, 2020

The question most people face when they decide to travel to the US Virgin Islands is which one do I visit? Fortunately for us, as we travel on our knees, we don’t have to make a decision. So, relax and enjoy … each gorgeous island, cay, and islet is part of our prayer itinerary. 

As we walk the white sand beaches and hear the music from the steel drums floating on the ocean breeze, we rejoice Thru the Bible is heard here in both English and Spanish.  

So, what can we possibly pray for in this “paradise” on earth? Here are a few things to guide our thinking: 

  • Bible teaching churches are few, especially in remote parts of the islands
  • While more than 95% of Virgin Islanders choose Christianity as their religion, many continue to participate in voodoo, Santeria, and other folk rituals
  • Roughly 30% of the population live below the poverty level, with stark contrasts noted in the lifestyles of the wealthy vacation homeowners, resort vacationers, and the local townspeople

Today pray for God’s people to hear His entire Word on Thru the Bible and turn from the darkness of ritualistic practices. Through followers of Christ there, may He grow His church to teach God’s Word and reach out to those caught in the evil one’s snares. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). 

Tomorrow we’ll make our way back to the mainland and pray our way through the state of Florida. Thank you for joining us in the privilege of prayer.