World Prayer Today

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A listener in Kansas can’t get enough of God’s Word

November 26, 2020

The whole Word to the whole world… even here at home. That’s the mission of Thru the Bible. Today as we journey together on our knees, we meet up with Don, a fellow World Prayer Team member from Kansas.

“Since joining the team six months ago, I love hearing from believers around the world. I’ve realized we all have one thing in common: We all need God to navigate through life. It is encouraging to hear the stories of so many who are believers and also those who are becoming believers. I am an Uber driver, and in my area your teaching comes on four times a day. When possible, I try to listen all four times. I am so thankful for all those who support Thru the Bible, and I have joined them in keeping the Bible Bus going.”

Praise God for all those who keep the Bible Bus rolling through prayer and financial support. As you pray today, thank Him for partners like Don who can’t get enough of His Word.

Listeners in Algeria are asking important questions. Join as our journey of praise continues tomorrow.