World Prayer Today

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A women’s Bible study group grows during quarantine

January 05, 2021

Buenos dias. Our prayer journey through Central America and the Caribbean begins today with a stop in Guatemala where we meet with a listener named Letty:

“I want you to know these studies have been a great blessing to many women in different congregations during quarantine. We have begun to share the studies with a group of ladies through Zoom. We started with approximately 10, and now there are around 35 of us. We began in Genesis and are steadily making our way. These sisters are from different parts of Guatemala and in the United States. Many tell us of the spiritual help they have received.

“May God continue to use you and fill you with wisdom to continue guiding us with your biblical knowledge. We are praying for the Spanish producer, Samuel Montoya, and his family. Many blessings for the entire team. May God continue to protect and keep you under His power.”

While the world stands still because of Covid-19, rejoice with us that God’s Word is multiplying in exciting ways. Pray more listeners like Letty (and her friends) will share the Good News of Jesus Christ with their friends, in their neighborhoods, and around the world.

Tomorrow we’ll be praying for God’s Word to multiply despite the many restrictions in Central Asia. Meet us there.

Listen here to TTB-Spanish.