World Prayer Today

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Praying for God’s Word to drive out misconceptions and untruths in Africa

January 12, 2021

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Our journey today takes us through Angola, Cameroon, Gabon, and six other countries in Middle Africa where we’re praying for God’s Word to open eyes to false teachings and unbiblical practices in the lives of listeners like Gloria: 

“I had decided never to listen to sermons again. I heard such crazy things. But once I tuned into Thru the Bible in Kinyarwanda, I understood why everything else was wrong. The truth of God’s Word has touched me, and I was blessed by your teachings. You explain the Word as it is without any biased interest. Thank you so much for helping me understand the true Jesus, the Jesus of the Bible, my Savior, and the Savior of the world.” 

Today as God’s Word goes out, pray more people in Middle Africa will hear THRU the BIBLE and learn to discern the truth from false beliefs. As they do, may each one come to a true relationship with our living Lord. 

We’re headed to the islands of Oceania tomorrow. Join us as we pray through Isaiah 42:10. 

Listen here to TTB-Kinyarwanda.