World Prayer Today

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“Please pray my daughter returns to her Savior.”

January 27, 2021

From Illinois to Italy, Iraq to Ireland, and beyond … one thing we’ve learned in our prayer travels together is no matter where we live, the worries of our brothers and sisters in Christ often mirror our own.

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today our journey through Western Europe brings us to Italy where we meet with a mother named Maria who shares her physical and spiritual prayer requests for her daughter, Bella.

“My daughter is ill ,and I fear it is Covid-19. My girl has walked away from the Lord, and I am praying this illness will help her realize her need for Him. This could be a crucial time for a decision. I’m afraid to lose my daughter knowing I won’t see her again. Please pray for her health. Please pray she turns her heart back to her Savior.” 

Has someone you know run away from the Lord? As you pray for them today, please remember to intercede for Bella and all those prodigals who are loved by their family members and God. May the people they surround themselves with and the circumstances in their lives remind them He is waiting to rejoice at their return. 

Our hearts turn towards Southern Africa tomorrow. Join us as we intercede for those who rely on God’s Word to get through each day.

Listen here to TTB-Italian.