World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

The journey is just beginning!

January 29, 2021

Welcome home, World Prayer Team! We did it!

While our quick trip around the world in January has ended, there is so much more to pray about.

Meet us back here on Monday as we embark on a week-long journey to pray for THRU the BIBLE teaching in five different countries throughout East Africa.

Do you have a destination you’re looking forward to praying for this year? We’d love to hear about it. Email [email protected] and tell us how God gave you a heart for that particular country. And while you’re in touch, tell us about how God is using our time together in prayer to change your life. Hearing from you is often the best part of our day.

We’ve said it before, but it really is our greatest privilege to pray for and with you. So, this weekend, let’s intercede for one another. Ask God to strengthen our fellow team members and ignite our hearts each day as we climb aboard the Bible Bus together. As we learn more about Him, pray He opens doors and gives us the courage to share the Good News with all those we encounter. May we be His ambassadors not only as we pray around the world, but also with all those we know and love as well.

We’re praying His love, grace, and peace will be with you until we meet again on Monday.