World Prayer Today

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The world is filled with uncertainty, but God is unchanging

February 03, 2021

“The peace of God is like a sentinel on duty around our hearts and minds, protecting us and keeping us in life’s most worrisome trials.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee

“We are not frightened of this pandemic because we know God is in control.”

That’s the good news we hear from Eritrea today as one listener shares His story. He continues:

“As a result of Covid-19 people were forced to stay at home. Life became difficult. Many were scared. But your program is our friend, comforter, and Bible school in this bad time. God knew of the pandemic and He prepared us for this opportunity to hear and learn His Word. I know lots of people here are tuning in because they are bored or fearful. Some have never heard the name of Jesus. But God is using this time to reach them. Glory be to Him forever!”

Although the world is filled with uncertainty, praise God He is unchanging. As His Word goes out in Eritrea today, pray all those who hear it will place their trust in Him and place their cares and worries at the feet of His Son, Jesus.

If you or someone you love is struggling with worry and anxiety, we’d like to help. Visit and download Dr. McGee’s free booklet, “How to Have Peace in Anxious Times.”

Tomorrow we’ll hear from listeners in Uganda. Don’t miss this special message!

Listen here to TTB-Tigrinya.