World Prayer Today

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Keep praying for Kyrgyzstan

February 16, 2021

After an unforgettable demonstration of how to build a yurt and riding horseback with locals in Shamsi gorge, imagine our tour of Kyrgyzstan off to an amazing start. Next, we stop and visit with a listener of THRU the BIBLE’s Central Asian programs. She shares:

“I am a mother of three children. I have been listening to you for over a year. I am impressed that the programs are very easy to understand and prepared for the people of our culture. The pleasant and kind voices of those who teach the Bible push me to listen even more. As I’ve learned from you, I began to pay more attention to my life. I have made many mistakes, but I am trying to correct them. I listen to the programs so much that my children also started listening with me. Will you pray for us? We wish to know more about the Bible and Jesus.”

In a primarily Muslim nation (89%) where Christians are often intimidated through property destruction and even physical violence, responses like this are rare. Praise God for the work He is doing in Kyrgyzstan and keep praying!

Christians in Uzbekistan need our prayers. Join us tomorrow and bring a friend along for the journey.