World Prayer Today

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Praying for God’s Word to flourish in the world’s most populous Muslim nation

March 08, 2021

Our world prayer journey today brings us to Java, the geographic and economic center of Indonesia, and home to more than half its people.

First, we tour the modern city of Jakarta, and then take our time savoring the white sandy beaches, exploring the ancient temples and rain forests too. Our guide on this adventure is Marsudi, who began to listen to THRU the BIBLE not long ago. He shares:

“A friend told me about your programs and enticed me to listen. I have learned much in a short time. The stories from Genesis are not only interesting, but they are helpful. For example, learning Sarah laughed after finding out she was pregnant really struck me.

“Like her, sometimes we are not sure of how God’s plan is going to work out in our lives. Later we can see that God has always helped us and He always provides a way out of our problems. I am grateful for this knowledge and for the easy-to-understand manner in which I am taught. Please keep sharing this wisdom. It is what the world needs to hear.”

Considered to be the world’s most populous Muslim nation, keep praying more listeners in Indonesia like Marsudi hear God’s Word and choose to follow Him. Pray also for those who are persecuted for their faith. May God’s protection and peace be theirs as they place their lives in His capable hands.

Tomorrow we’re off to the Philippines to pray for THRU the BIBLE in the language of Ilocano. We hope you’ll meet us there.

Listen here to TTB-Indonesian and TTB-Javanese.