World Prayer Today

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Finding purpose in God’s Word

May 25, 2021

On the left bank of the river Argeș where the water flows into the Danube, lies the Romanian city of Olteniƫa. It’s here that we meet with a listener named Lucia as she shares what God’s Word means to her.

“I live in the countryside. I listen to your teachings each day. They inspire and keep me company. Because I am alone, I have a very close relationship with the Lord. Thru the Bible helps with me with this. Your friendly voices fill my home and bring light into each corner. I consider all of you my brothers and sisters. Please keep teaching, there are many of us who rely on your daily dose of God’s Word. As we understand more of what is written, we understand God better and are able to find purpose in this life.”

Praise God for the opportunity we have to know Him through His Word. Thank Him for all those in Romania who join us on the Bible Bus each day. Pray more people join us and have the pleasure and privilege Lucia talks about as we drawer closer to Him.

Travel in prayer with us tomorrow in Hungary.

Listen here to TTB-Romanian and TTB-Romani.