World Prayer Today

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From Madagascar: “God’s book was written for me”

July 08, 2021

If you’re on the Bible Bus with us, you know our study of Jesus in the New Testament Gospel of Matthew is just beginning. Today as the World Prayer Team travels through Madagascar, we hear how learning about Jesus’ life and death has impacted a listener named Andry.

“I thought I knew about the Bible. I thought I knew about Jesus. The stories seemed nice, but I didn’t think they had anything to do with me. But during Covid-19 I had a lot of time on my hands and started listening to your programs. I began to understand God’s book was written for me … and for you … and for my family. I invited them to listen with me. We were surprised to learn about the details of the resurrection and are grateful for the encouragement it has given us during this difficult time. We look at life differently now and have realized that although this pandemic has been horrible, He used it for our good. We are very grateful.”

Want to be reminder of how God is always working for the good of those who love Him? Turn to Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20. As you read these passages, pray more people in Madagascar (and in our lives, too) hear His Word on THRU the BIBLE and realize God is faithful to those who call upon His name.

Want to hear more about THRU the BIBLE’s ministry in Madagascar? Hop aboard the Bible Bus for a great conversation with Gregg and Steve.

Need a little joy in your life? Join us tomorrow as we pray our way through Ethiopia.

Listen here to TTB-Malagasy.