World Prayer Today

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“Understanding the Bible makes me want to do better …”

July 13, 2021

“God speaks to me through His Word.” 

Welcome to Guatemala. That’s the good news we hear from a listener named Silvia. She continues: 

“Thank you for your teaching that touches my heart. Understanding the Bible makes me want to do better and be better. I want to live for Jesus.” 

What a terrific report. Let’s pray that today for all those in Guatemala as well as for ourselves. 

Heavenly Father, as we study Your Word, thank You for Your Spirit who guides us and strengthens us to do His will. Help us to glorify You in every aspect of our lives. Teach us each day how to live for You. In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus, we pray, amen.

There’s a lot to pray about in El Salvador tomorrow. We’ll see you there.