World Prayer Today

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Praying Romans 12:2 in Montenegro

July 20, 2021

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. -Romans 12:2

Welcome, Prayer Team! Today as we pray our way through Montenegro, we stop and hear the inspiring story of Aleksandar, who listens to THRU the BIBLE in Serbian:

“The book of Ezekiel has touched my heart. Though it is from the Old Testament, it has so much to teach us about life. Ezekiel didn’t say what he thought people wanted to hear; he spoke God’s message clearly and completely. He told them God would judge their sin. Most people don’t want to hear about sin these days, but these studies have helped me repent before our Lord. There are so many things that creep into our lives such as ingratitude, pride, bitterness, idleness, and others. I am grateful for the opportunity to bring these things before our Lord and be forgiven. Thank you, Thru the Bible, for constantly helping me get closer to God. My life is so much richer because of it.”

Thank God for His Word that renews our minds and keeps us focused on living a life that pleases Him. Pray Romans 12:2 for Christians in Montenegro, and pray more people in southern Europe will join us on the Bible Bus and be willing to listen as God speaks to them.

We’re praying our way through Italy tomorrow. Join us for the journey.

Listen here to TTB-Serbian.