World Prayer Today

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Praying for the mentally ill in Portugal

July 22, 2021

With hidden courtyards and curving cobblestoned streets, our tour of Lisbon’s Alfama district doesn’t disappoint.  

Welcome to Portugal. As we pray our way through this captivating country, we meet with Rafael who asks us to pray for his brother. 

“My brother is schizophrenic but listens to your program faithfully. Our family has no religion, but we need your prayers. Who knows? The God you have been telling us about may have the answers to our problems. We ask that you pray God will restore his health and that he can go back to work and help our father. Thank you for what you teach and for giving us some hope for the future.”

Praise God His Word is reaching into homes like this one. As you pray for this family today, remember all those in Portugal who turn to Him for help in difficult situations. As they seek solutions for their immediate needs, may they be drawn into an eternal relationship with Jesus. 

Romans 8:31 is changing lives in Serbia. Join tomorrow as we pray for God’s Word to have greater impact.

Listen here to TTB-Portuguese.