World Prayer Today

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Praying for the persecuted in Bangladesh

September 06, 2021

Welcome, World Prayer Team, today we travel on our knees through Bangladesh, a country that declared Islam its state religion in 1988. Looking at the numbers (89% of Bangladeshis are Muslim and less than 1% are Christian), it’s easy to be discouraged. But take heart, God is at work in the lives of THRU the BIBLE listeners like this one: 

“I am from another religion and was against Christianity. But I like this program very much because the Word of God gives me peace in my heart. Can you please send me a Bible so that I am able to read and understand more about God and Jesus Christ before each program?” 

Isn’t this great news? Today pray more people in Bangladesh hear God’s Word and desire to know more about Jesus. Pray today for Home Groups growing in depth and number in Bangladesh. As Bengali people discover the truth about God in His Word, pray for the continual threat of persecution. Ask God to use His Word to strengthen, comfort, and empower them to stand for Him—and continue to discover Him, despite the obstacles. 

What would you do to hear God’s Word? Join us tomorrow as listeners in West Bengal go to some pretty extreme lengths to join us on the Bible Bus. 

Listen here to TTB-Bangladesh Bengali.