World Prayer Today

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A trafficked young woman finds freedom in Jesus Christ

September 17, 2021

 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. -Galatians 6:9 

“I was given to a family as a housemaid when I was young. My family sold me to them, and I was treated very badly. One of the family members raped me.” 

That’s the beginning of a heartbreaking story we hear from 28-year-old Leyla in Turkey. But stay with us, the ending of her story will have us praising God with her. She continues: 

“When I turned 18, I ran away and found another job. But I was mistreated there as well. My boss said he would take care of me, and I accepted his abuse. After a year he grew bored of me and tossed me out. 

“Not long after, I started to clean houses to earn money. That’s where I met a nice family. These people helped me so much. I soon found out they were Christians. During my paid time, they let me listen to your programs with them. They helped me build a new life in Christ. They became my family here in Turkey. Thank you for teaching me more about God and that He is my heavenly father, my protector, and my provider. I now know what it truly means to be free.” 

Worldwide, an estimated 40.3 million adults and children are captive in forced labor, sexual slavery, and forced marriage. One in four modern slaves is a child.  

As we thank God for all He is doing in Leyla’s life, pray for the evil of slavery to be abolished everywhere it exists. Pray also for those who are still captive today. Ask God to protect them, to free them, and give them a future and hope (Jeremiah 29:11). And while we’re at it, pray Galatians 6:9 for each of us. Like the family that shared God’s love with Leyla, may we too have the compassion, courage, and wisdom to be a safe place to all those whom God brings into our lives. 

Next week our prayer tour heads to eastern Europe. See you in Russia on Monday. 

Listen here to TTB-Turkish.