World Prayer Today

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From Russia: “God got me through Covid-19.”

September 20, 2021

“It felt like God abandoned me.”  

That’s the beginning of an email we received from Galina, a listener of THRU the BIBLE who struggles with complications from Covid-19. She continues: 

“I was struggling every day, both physically and mentally. Then I heard your program and God’s love for me changed everything. I now can see that God has been the one to get me through this whole situation. If it wasn’t for Him, I wouldn’t be alive right now. Thank you for helping me understand that the Lord is with me. He is helping me. I pray with His help my body will soon be completely healed.”  

Today pray for others in Russia (and around the world) struggling with the physical, mental, and emotional effects of Covid-19. Like Galina, may they too choose to put their fears aside and put their confidence in the power of God’s grace and love. 

Catch the Bible Bus today and hear more about THRU the BIBLE’s Russian ministry from Gregg and Steve. Then join us tomorrow as we travel on our knees to Bulgaria. 

Listen here to TTB-Russian.