World Prayer Today

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A listener in Bulgaria does some serious soul searching

September 21, 2021

Do you rely on the wisdom of the world, or do you look to God to guide with His wisdom from above? 

That’s the question Dr. McGee asks in today’s study of Exodus 18 and 19. It’s also the question a listener in Bulgaria asked himself not too long ago. Here’s his story.

“In our village there is no church. I came across your website one evening and was interested. I started listening frequently and asking myself some serious questions. If your teaching is true, what did it mean for my life? What would I have to give up? Did I trust God enough to make these radical changes? Finally, I came to realize God is the only one I can rely upon. His way is the only way. Thank you for your many resources that helped me understand Him better. I now tell my family and friends about your website so they can listen, too.”                

Thank God for His truth that we can build our lives upon. Pray more people in Bulgaria turn away from a highly secularized society and look to God for wisdom.  

We’re heading north tomorrow. We’ll meet you in Ukraine. 

Listen here to TTB-Bulgarian.