World Prayer Today

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“This work is something only God could do …”

October 11, 2021

So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” -Matthew 17:20 

Welcome to West Bengal. Today our prayer trek takes us off the beaten track to the Sundarbans, a cluster of low-lying islands in the Bay of Bengal spreading across India.

 Famous for its unique mangrove forests, this active delta region is among the largest in the world and is home to many rare and globally threatened wildlife species such as the estuarine crocodile, royal Bengal tiger, water monitor lizard, Gangetic dolphin, and olive ridley turtle. 

As we stop and take in the beauty and creativity of God’s creation here, we meet with Pastor Mondal who once had a small congregation that gathered together every Sunday in the heart of his village, Amjhara. But God had other plans. Here's his story: 

“I have no formal Bible training, I prayed to have an in-depth understanding of the Word of God so I could teach my people. In 2016, God gave me the opportunity to attend a seminar, and I learned of your digital players that could not only help me learn the Word of God, but could teach my entire congregation as well. I knew this was the opportunity I had prayed for!

“I started with one group, and soon several groups started mushrooming in my village and those around us. Today we have 34 groups. It’s customary for each group to pray for their village and then reach out and invite others to the gathering. The numbers of people coming to the Lord and deepening their faith through His Word are unbelievable. This work is something only God could do, and we are truly grateful.” 

Keep praying! And, whether you’re asking God to move a mountain in your life or interceding for His Word to spread deeper among the mangroves of Bengal, have faith He is at work. 

We’ve got more great news from Uttar Pradesh. Meet us there tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-Bengali.