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John 15:12 changes the heart of a listener in Assam

October 13, 2021

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” -John 15:12

As we’ve studied the Bible together recently, is there a verse or passage that’s impacted you? Asow in Assam, India, tells us that while studying the Gospel of John, God got a hold of his heart, and he made some big changes in how he lives his daily life.

“I am part of one of Thru the Bible’s home groups that study the Bible together often. Most recently we have been in the book of John. Each lesson came with some type of revelation, but the verse that stood out the most is John 15:12.

“I never felt the need to care much about those around me and lived a rather self-centered life. As a result of the study, I began to love the people I came in contact with on a daily basis. I try to help them in any way possible. Soon my neighbors began to see a difference in my life, and I told them about the home groups. Some have been joining me and my family. I’m so grateful to the Word of God that has brought about this change in my life.”

After two centuries of missions work in Assam, the number of those who follow Jesus are small and often marginalized. Praise God for His Word that is studied in home groups and for the fellowship it provides His people. As they meet, may they be united in His love, grow in their knowledge of Him, and serve as a bold witness to their families and communities who have yet to hear His name.

Home groups are expanding throughout Pakistan. Hear more tomorrow on the Bible Bus and then come pray with us here.

Listen here to TTB-Assamese.