World Prayer Today

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3,000 home groups in Pakistan and growing!

October 14, 2021

Have you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today for our final study in Exodus? If you did, then you heard Gregg and Steve talk about the great things God is doing in Pakistan through the more than 3,000 home groups that listen to THRU the BIBLE regularly. Be sure to join them and listen to the great stories they share. To give you a little taste, here’s another great story from a listener named Erina:

“My husband and I used to pray daily but knew very little about God’s Word. Since Thru the Bible has provided us teaching on MP3’s and USB’s, all the members of our family sit together and enjoy the Word of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have started to invite others to join us, and our group is rapidly growing. We enjoy it thoroughly and are memorizing Bible verses and stories.

“We want you to know we are praying for all those involved in reaching us because they are helping us to grow deeper. May God bless you abundantly. Our belief is strong in Christ that He is our Redeemer and a living God, we will follow Him for the rest of our days.”

Pakistan is more than 95% Muslim, and Christians are considered second-class citizens (and often persecuted for their faith). Pray today for believers who meet together in THRU the BIBLE home groups. Ask God to multiply the number of those who join them and open doors and hearts so millions of Pakistanis encounter God’s Word.

It’s a privilege to pray alongside you. Join us here tomorrow as the journey continues.