World Prayer Today

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“Not a second of life with Jesus is wasted…”

November 16, 2021

Can you remember what life was like before you knew the Lord? As our journey of praise continues, a new listener on the Bible Bus tells us her story:

“Before I had Jesus in my life, I wasn’t a bad person, but I was lost. So many things were frustrating. I thought I was unsatisfied with my life. No matter what I did there was something in the back of my mind that always took me to a dark, lonely place. Not necessarily evil but absent of light. I wasted so much time staying up until 2 AM wondering where the time went. I was always tired. But when I recently was born again and came to a loving relationship with my Lord, His light filled me.  

“I sometimes want to go back to that life, but I’m now always drawn back into the Word of God, and I am so grateful. I am constantly thinking about my salvation and how beautiful it is to have God’s grace, always looking up and praising Jesus. Now as I worship Him and learn more about His love, I know exactly where the time went and not a second is wasted. All praise to the Lord for this beautiful life.” 

Praise God for this sister and all those who joined the family of God this year. Thank Him for their presence on the Bible Bus and ask Him to add to His family in 2022. 

Inspired by our prayer journey, a listener in Oregon shares her story. Meet us there tomorrow.