World Prayer Today

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“I heard the gospel but was stiff-necked and stubborn …”

November 22, 2021

“I heard the gospel a few times, but I was stiff-necked and stubborn.”

That’s what we hear from a listener in Myanmar today as we celebrate the miraculous ways God uses His Word in our lives. Here’s the rest of his story.

“Somehow I found your program, and as I heard of God’s love and grace my resolve began to soften. I now try to live according to God’s will as much as possible, because the life I have been given has an eternal purpose. I am humble, kind towards others, and hospitable to guests, and I read my Bible every day and have fellowship with God. I am grateful to you for the blessing of understanding God’s Word.”

What a terrific redemption story. Let’s thank God that in Him we find our purpose and a plan for our lives. Pray more people in Myanmar hop aboard the Bible Bus with us. As they hear of His love and grace, may their hearts be softened and their lives forever changed.

We’re praying for the spiritually isolated tomorrow in Ethiopia. See you there.

Listen here to TTB-Burmese and TTB-Karen.