World Prayer Today

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“We had a fear-based relationship with our gods …”

November 25, 2021

“We had a fear-based relationship with our gods.”

That’s what we hear from Deepak, a father in Chhattisgarh, India. Here’s the rest of his beautiful story.

“I am a farmer in a small village. We are a family of four. Following the traditions of old, I always participated in worshipping the graven images of our countless gods and goddesses. We had a stringent prayer schedule during the course of the day. This was our way to appease the gods and keep them happy. We were afraid of their wrath and their curses. I regularly fasted and prayed for blessings, but to no avail. I saw no difference or blessing in my life because of these gods. I also was struggling with a drinking problem.

“Once a pastor visited our village to pray for a sick woman and to distribute program guides. The program guide read in the front ‘for peace of mind, listen to Thru the Bible.’

“I tuned in that very evening and, true to the words, I had peace in my heart. I began to listen regularly. I had an inner struggle because even though I believed in Jesus, it was hard for me to understand why I had to leave other gods. I called your office one day and finally understood from the brother explaining on the other end that Jesus is the one true God. I am now a Christian and fully committed in a church. My family also followed in my footsteps and are now believers. Thank you for your programs.”

Praise God for His Word that is reaching into big cities and small villages in India. Pray more people in Chhattisgarh hear of the peace and hope found only in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

We’re celebrating tomorrow in Bihar. We’ll meet you there.

Listen here to TTB-Chhattisgarhi.