World Prayer Today

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Encouragement from Albania

December 03, 2021

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” -Matthew 6:34

The death of a beloved family member, a chronic illness, a wayward child, a broken marriage … if 2021 has been a difficult year for you or those you love, Marjola from Albania can relate and has a few words of encouragement to share:

I have a son who is eight years old. My husband passed away seven years ago in a terrible accident. My life has been tough and painful for many years. This year, a friend of mine invited me to listen to your program. Ever since I started to study God’s Word, my life changed for the better. You are building me as a believer in Christ, and God is offering me strength I need for each day.

“God is love. I believe He has offered me so much love that surpasses everything that can hurt us. More than this world can ever offer. In Matthew 6, He advises us to seek Him first and not worry about tomorrow. I have found peace and joy in doing that.

“I want to thank you for your amazing programs, which bring comfort to our home. I want to thank you for your encouraging words. I want to show to people the same love God has shown to me during my desperate days. Thanks to God and His Son Jesus, I can live today, and I can breathe happily by following His Word together with my son. God gave His precious gift to us many years ago. I live with His love, and I’m blessed to be a mother. I want to thank you for filling my home with the message of hope.”

Thank God for His love that surpasses everything this world can throw at us. Today as you talk to God and pray for those around you who are hurting, consider asking them to hop aboard the Bible Bus with us in 2022. And for more hope and encouragement from God’s Word, download Dr. McGee’s free digital booklet, “What to Do When Life is Hard.”

We’re praising God in Albania next time. See you there.

Listen here to TTB-Albanian.