World Prayer Today

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Giving up witchcraft in Ghana

December 14, 2021

Welcome, World Prayer Team. We’re in Ghana today, praising God for His power in our lives that keeps us from evil and protects from the powers of darkness. Listen to this great story from a listener of THRU the BIBLE in the language of Twi.

“Many Christians in our area are afraid to give up their witchcraft practices even though they know they are wrong. I too used to be a victim, but studying God’s Word with you made me realize that the power of God supersedes every other power. All we need is to walk uprightly in Him and no matter the temptation the devil brings to us, God has overcome them all!”

We have a lot to celebrate. Let’s thank God now for His power in this listener’s life and our own.

Thank You, Lord, that no power in heaven or hell can match Your greatness. We’re grateful for Your Spirit, who leads us, guides us, and protects us. Thank You that by faith in Jesus, You give us the power to overcome the enemy. Help us to hear Your still, small voice and to respond in faith. In the name of Jesus, amen.

What does courageous faith look like? Find out tomorrow as we travel to Eritrea.

Listen here to TTB-Twi.